Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Little Eggplant That Could.

   Last Spring I planted two eggplants in containers. They did "all right".  Seemed to be a bit stunted. Transplanted them into the ground during the Summer, and they took off! Growing much taller and producing pretty well. Got quite a few meals from them!  As the year wore on, they started getting some nasty infestations and just some general die-back.  One in particular looked REALLY BAD!  Imagine my delight this Winter as I watched it sprout from down near the base.  So I'd better get busy and tend to it! Help it on its way, so I can see what it will produce in its second year.
     Last Autumn I missed out on planting a Fall garden. And with the warm Winter that we've had, it was definitely a missed opportunity!! So far this year I haven't planted anything because I've been sick and busy with caring for my mother.   So plants that made it through to a second year are a real blessing to me!!    I HAVE to get the kitchen ready too.... I have three mulberry trees just covered in unripe berries! I really need a small chest freezer! hahaha   
     So much to do, and I fear I won't have the time to accomplish hardly any of it! Need to work on giving the pear trees a good start this season. The water issue still is a major problem. NEED to get a well drilled and a pump, but don't have the money for that at present ~ and the future doesn't look particularly promising right now. But, if I get going in the right direction that could change. Or let me say, that it WILL change! Positive thinking!   I'm like that little eggplant........ no matter what, I WILL ENDURE and FLOURISH!

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