Saturday, August 25, 2012

Happiness Begins Within You.

   What a beautiful morning! The breezes were so nice, and the temperature wasn't too bad. You can tell its still August just from the amount of sweating that you do whenever you're outside working though! It was great to get out early and putz around the backyard. Found three more big pebble rock squares to help extend the main terracing wall. I wasn't PLANNING on doing that.... but it just happened so smoothly.  You have to "go with the flow" on most yard projects. Its just easier that way! ha ha   Plus with more rain on the way from Tropical storm Isaac, I really needed more wall there. Everything worked out "just right". 
    Anyway, as I was digging and lifting pavers and stuff.... I realized how content and happy I was feeling. Got me to thinking about how a lot of folks just seem to enjoy being sad or angry. And how they wait and wait... and complain and gripe... expecting that something should come along and make them happy. Or they search high and low, ALL the time.... looking for that "thing" that will bring them happiness. And then moan and bitch about not finding it.  Its kind of sad really. They don't understand that it comes from Within. You don't go out and find it! Its there. Just waiting to be let loose into the world!!! It'll sneak up on you sometimes... comes peeking around a corner, then bounds over and slurps you in the face like a big, lovable dog. So EMBRACE your HAPPINESS! You won't regret it!

   Speaking about being happy! I said Thursday morning that I actually smelled Autumn. Just a little, mind you. But it was there in the air!!! Well, here is a photo to prove it. You can see some of the sycamore leaves are starting to turn brown. It might not seem like much to some folks, but here in my part of Florida this is a sure sign that the seasons are getting ready to change. I know, I know... I get way too excited about it! ha ha ha  And we have lots of hot weather to go through yet. But I love seeing the changes that come with the Seasons. Even if they are pretty subtle down here!

   Last, but not least, a dear friend picked and gave me these two flowers this afternoon. I just had to take a photo to share. I think they are sooooooo beautiful!

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