Monday, July 2, 2012

Those Darned Hens.

Pardon the mess in the yard, but do you see Reuben looking up into the tree?

Hes still looking, and Helga is gazing intently up in the branches... trying to gauge whether or not she can jump high enough.  Hermoine has other things on her mind! A little baby lizard to be exact. Yes, chickens eat fresh meat!!!
They also eat figs.   MY FIGS!
Its bad enough I have to try and beat the songbirds to them, but the hens have been snatching the ones on the lower branches from underneath. And just like last year, I'm a little bit shocked over how high they can jump. I keep forgetting how strong those legs are. ha ha ha  I really want to get some photos of them actually jumping up. A video would be even better.  Anyway, so far all the ripe fruit has been disappearing. Well, on some of them its just the bottom half!

TRIUMPH! And finally the sweet spoils of battle are mine!
And let me tell you.... there is nothing like being able to pick and eat luscious ripe figs right off the tree. Whether early in the morning with the sun's rays just starting to shine through the leaves.... or during the warm afternoon when the honey sweet taste in your mouth is so cooling and invigorating!
Yes... Life is grand. And sometimes downright delicious!

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