Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Monarchs and Milkweed.

   Got some milkweed started this Spring. Not really sure which variety.     Interplanted it with the Blue Porterweed. Get several different types of butterflies and bees visiting. And, of course, the Firebush is right beside them. VERY active spot! But my pride and joy are the Monarchs. They're supposed to migrate through in Autumn, but it seems I've had one or two all summer long.

   Perhaps they got lost and decided to hang out where they had food and water sources. Oh well, what I do know is how much I've enjoyed them. Decided I wanted to plant a larger area devoted mainly to them, so I started checking on the internet...... and found Monarch Watch. Some very good tips and I could even get my little spot certified as a Monarch Waystation. How cool is that?

   It seems every species could use a helping hand in this day and age. Humans have done so much harm to the environment. (And so many continue to do so!) Its imperative that every individual try to help in some way. I know I'm repeating myself.... but no matter how small the action taken ~ it does make a difference! And many small efforts combined will add up to something big!!!

   My tiny patch of flowers doesn't look like much, but this Monarch decided to lay some eggs there. So hey! Won't be long before the leaves are being devoured by caterpillars. Guess I'd better get out there and transplant some of the little  volunteer seedlings so they get more sun and can produce more food! hahaha

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