Monday, April 16, 2012

Things Of Beauty: Agapanthus

   Things of Beauty. They're all around us, if we'll just take the time to look. If more folks would do that... and appreciate what they find.... the world would be a much better place.
   Read an article about a man that planted a whole forest. All by himself. Imagine his connection with that land! When he was a boy there was a flood that stranded snakes and other creatures on a piece of land with no trees. And they all died because there was no shade to shield them from the harsh sunlight. He decided then to start planting trees. And he has kept doing it all these years. The land and animals called out and touched his Heart. And he Answered. He made that Answering into his Purpose. If all of us would do that... just a little bit! Think of what a beautiful and peaceful world we could help make this. Yep, think about that.

Here is the article:

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