Sunday, September 23, 2012

Autumnal Equinox Sunset.

Yesterday was the Autumnal Equinox! I decided that since I posted a photo of the sunrise for Spring equinox, I'd do the sunset this time. But I got so enchanted with the clouds to the North and South... and the half moon too!
It represented beautifully the Balance of this time.

The color play was so vivid. The photos really don't do it justice.

Loved this cloud rising up out of the northern horizon.

A rosey glow filled the air. It was wonderful!
And as it got darker.....

..... little wisps of soft pink still hung in the evening sky.

A fine start as the Wheel of the Year rolls gently on.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

When Rainstorm And Sunset Collide.

This photo doesn't do the colors justice. But you can get the idea.

Blues to the Northwest.

Bright deep pinks in the West.

And here comes the storm up from the South!
So beautiful!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wildflowers In The Container Garden!

Had this volunteer in one of the containers. Its so pretty, I just couldn't uproot it.

The flowers only last about a day. And the petals fall off easily if touched.

I've identified it as a Primrose Willow. At least I'm almost certain!

Next, I want to identify this one!
Yellow certainly is a popular color with the wildflowers around here. ha ha ha This one isn't nearly as delicate as the other. I try to keep watch as to which ones the bees like the most. Will have to try and transplant those over on the corner lot. A wildflower garden for the bees! Sounds good to me.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Feeling A Little More Like Autumn.

"Huh? Whats this Autumn thing that Mama is talking about? Can I chew on it? Does it taste good? Hopefully better than this twig! Is Autumn FUN?!?! Can I roll in it? Does is stink really good???  Maybe I can chase it?!!! That would be AWESOME!!! Is it slow or fast? Dry or wet? Messy?? Oh, I HOPE its messy!!!!"

"In other words people... How does this Autumn thingie benefit ME??? I'm up for anything, because I am the Great Zoom Zoom Goober!!!
What did you say? I'll have lots and lots of crisp, crunchy leaves to play with?!

"No. You goober-brain! Autumn is a time of year. Things start to change. The mornings are cooler and the air is drier. The days get shorter. The sky seems more blue, and the clouds are different than they are in Summer. You can see them starting to change all ready. The night skies are different too.
One more really great thing is Mama likes to cook more when Autumn is here. That means more homemade dog biscuits! And we get to go more places. I don't really look forward to that, but I know you do. And its kind of fun watching you make an idiot of yourself out in public."

"But I get lots and lots of crispy leaves, right??? And you said homemade treats???  WHOAAAA!! I LOVE AUTUMN all ready!!!
Hey.... what do you mean 'idiot'? Really, what does that mean? That I'm cute and adorable and lovable and that I LOVE to give kisses? Come on! Whats it mean?  
MAMA! Make Blossom tell me why I'm an idiot!"

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Gotta Love Eggplants!

Found Hermoine in the mint patch on bug patrol this afternoon. Such a good hen!  My objective was the eggplant behind her. Getting close to supper time. Its a very satisfying feeling to go out and 'pick' your meal. Guess that goes for both of us! ha ha

Here are some of the components of our supper. Two types of eggplant, some cubanelle peppers and fresh basil. Wish my tomatoes had made it through the Summer. Will just have to plant some different varieties next time!

As I was trying to get a good photo, I noticed something in the planter full of thyme. Do you see it up at the top?

Don't know what kind of bird hatched out, but one of the parent birds chose to drop the egg shell here! They almost always take them away from the nest area.... to discourage predators.  I wish good luck to the little ones.

Oh, and can't forget the finished product!! And may I recommend a store bought pasta sauce? Yes! Thats what I said... store bought. I've been wanting to try this brand for some time, and finally got it on sale a few weeks ago.  Oooh boy! I plan on having a jar on hand from now on. Its Muir Glen  Portabello Mushroom Organic pasta sauce. Yummy stuff!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Mystery: Is The Tree OK?

Found these holes around the sycamore tree on the corner lot the other day. They are all approximately three feet out from the trunk. There are 31 of them, 33 if you count two that are smaller than the rest. Fairly evenly spaced. They go completely around the tree.

The holes are anywhere from four inches to ten inches deep. Majority measure between six and eight.
(Note to the Dark Smurf: No jokes about this please!)
So anyway.... Back to the mystery.  I have no idea what made these. There was a toad in one of them as I was measuring depth. Surprised the poor little thing so bad! But they are opportunists as far as finding a place to stay. So I don't think that toads would be creating something this symetrical. The openings are a little less than an inch in 'width' and a little more than in 'height'.
Any ideas????????
My main concern is that the tree is safe and sound. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fungi Are So Cool!

Found some fungi growing in the geranium pot this morning. They just fascinate me!!! Love the design structure of most of the varieties.

I used to know one from the other YEARS ago! Will have to study up on them again. Yeah, in my spare time I'll do that. ha ha ha

In the meantime, they're faery umbrellas! Always have been.... always will be.