So this is what I wrote back in mid-January: Found this photo from three years ago about the same time the seed catalogs started to arrive in the mail. Oh my, all the plans running around in my mind! What to plant where, what flowers for the hummingbirds and the bees, where to put in new vegetable beds...not to mention a henhouse. Then it hit me. This was the last year I actually had a garden. Three years ago. Hey, what happened to me?
Then it started to dawn on me....rather than dredge through three years of "stuff" that obviously devoured my time and perhaps a bit of my Spirit.... I needed to look at how I felt NOW. And surprisingly I didn't have to look very far. All I had to do was barely scratch the surface and there it was.... my desire to tend my Spiritual Garden. Just like the land I live on, its been neglected for far too long. I've always felt that the inner and outer gardens mirrored one another. In that case, I have a mess on my hands!!! Ha ha ha
So now is the time to take care of both. Working with the Earth and the plant energies has always been very healing. Now I need to do it with purpose. No more wandering off whenever I get distracted. Thats usually by drama, conflict and the like. And most of the time it isn't even MY STUFF! Its so easy to get caught up in another person's story. Or be pulled down by their negativity. That has to be dealt with. I have to find a way... the right way for me personally to be able to pull back and stand within my own space. And claim that space! Establishing my boundaries and reinforcing them so that "varmints" are kept out. I'll need a good fence for that.
So back to the whole analogy of the inner and outer gardens. I need to build a physical fence to protect what I'm growing to eat. I also need to build a spiritual fence to protect the energetic core of my Being, since that is what feeds and sustains me. Sounds simple enough, huh? When I can protect both "gardening" experiences from external negative influences as much as possible.... then they're much more productive. So I repeat, NOW IS THE TIME. I refuse to wait any longer.
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