Whenever I paused and leaned on the shovel handle, this was my view to the West. |
Well, after being out of commission for a while with a cold and a bad spell with my back... I FINALLY started trying to playing catch up. But digging probably wasn't the wisest thing to do!!! I tried taking it slowly, but that's just aggravating. hahaha Did get a tiny patch started yesterday evening and lots of weeds pulled. That's always a very satisfying feeling!
It was just so pleasant to be outside. Nice little breeze, humidity levels were decent... you can certainly tell its Fall in Florida. Buckshot the Broom cat and Mr. Maynard B. Mouth came out and supervised. Couldn't get a good photo of them though! Hester and Hermoine were delighted that I was turning over soil!!! I was just as tickled that they were grabbing every roach and grub in sight! Its so nice to have such a mutually advantageous relationship with the Ladies. They seem to have FINALLY finished molting and I'm hoping they get back to the business of egg laying soon. I'm starting to get the urge to bake!! And fresh eggs make such a difference!
Heres a cute shot of the ladies hard at work!! I just love to watch chicken butts bouncing around the yard!! haha